Mission Goals & Objectives
- Strategic, need based and farmer oriented development of horticulture and forestry in
Himachal Pradesh through excellence in education and research for food and ecological
security, improved livelihood opportunities and economic prosperity of farming communities.
- Human resource development through excellence in education and skill upgradation with
intensive practical trainings.
- Creation of sound scientific base for research and extension education in horticulture,
forestry and allied sectors.
- Dissemination of generated technologies to farming community through region specific
transfer of technology modules.
- Effective management of financial, structural and administrative resources of the university
for competitive result oriented initiatives.
- Human resource development in horticulture, forestry and allied sciences.
- Advancement of basic and applied research pertaining to horticulture, forestry and allied
- Extension and dissemination of scientific information among the rural masses of the state.
- Development of linkages with state, central, international institutions, NGOs, orchardists,
farmers and
industrialists for ensuring nutritional, economic and ecological security in the state.